Upplevelser - sammanställning


Kundalini & andningsövningar - min berättelse

Alla andningsmetoders syfte är att "hetta upp" och aktivera kundalinienergin. Om olyckan är framme kan den explodera och orsaka skador i hjärnan och nervsystemet.

Alice A. Bailey om risker med andningsövningar

"De får betala priset för sin dumdristighet genom att förlora sitt förstånd...."

Dangers of Cathartic Breathwork

"To make a long story short, it was during these weekly underwater breaths that I 'lost my mind'. It happened one night when I lay down to sleep. I distinctly had the impression of an alien force taking over my thoughts. I sprang from the bed, terrified."

Diksha, Deeksha eller Oneness Blessing, initiering med andningsövning

Hur det gick för en kvinna som var med om en andningssession i en Diksha-ritual.

Neglected Papers Against Grof Therapy

"In 1990 Kate Thomas (b. 1928) wrote to Stanislav Grof (b. 1931) from Findhorn complaining about his Holotropic Breathwork (HB) therapy which had been unleashed in the Findhorn Foundation by the director Craig Gibsone, who had become a convert to Grof doctrine. Thomas personally witnessed various negative symptoms of HB in numerous clients, a number of whom she interviewed. Some of these people were in serious trouble."

Critical Remarks on Holotropic Breathwork

"HB workshops have relied upon hyperventilation, evocative music, and strenuous bodywork. This situation produces unpredictable emotional states, often extreme. A more relaxed preference for lying on mats is deceptive, in that hyperventilation can produce drawbacks in any bodily position, not to mention the continual delusions fostered in clients by the practitioners, who claim a healing process in HB. Some clients experience euphoria, while others find difficulty in regaining equilibrium. Acute traumas and hallucinations can occur, plus a variety of disruptive symptoms which can linger afterwards."


Om healing, reiki, qi-gong m.m.

Jag blev förvånad och överraskad för en sisådär tio år sedan när telefonsamtalen och mejlen började droppa in från människor som hade blivit skadade genom healing, reiki och även qi-gong.

Drabbad av Reikipsykos

"När jag vaknade upp på morgonen dagen efter kursen så kände jag direkt att någonting inte stod rätt till, det kändes som om jag hade blivit hjärntvättad och avrättad."

Reikihealing - och psykoser

Varför kan man drabbas av psykoser genom Reikimetoden?
Läs denna artikel som behandlar detta.

Dancing with the Devil - Reiki

En bok som behandlar bl.a. psykiska attacker av diskarnerade varelser, fallbeskrivningar och besatthet, som man kan bli utsatt för i Reikihealing av Reiki Master David Ashworth.

Upplevelser i Reiki-healing

"Gick hösten -96 Reiki I och kände under initieringstillfället att någonting rörde på sig från magen uppåt mot bröstet.
Ca 2 veckor efter kursen började jag uppleva att nu höll livet på att rasa ihop ordentligt. Har aldrig varit med om en liknande energi- och humörsförlust. Kaos! Som att trilla ner i en djup svart brunn utan botten, och det gick med väldig fart."


Om felaktig meditation och drogupplevelser

Det finns likheter i de artificiella upplevelserna av felaktig meditation och droger.

Vipassana Meditation
The lights I was seeing were to many

"I noticed a throbbing in my head, tinnitus, and feeling dizzy and like the whole world became a nightmare."

I was meditating and followed the Silva mind control technique

"2 years of almost an animal life, I couldn't eat, have sex, even speak was a great deal to me, spending months, or days, in mental institutions, telling my "kundalini story" (yeah, sure !!) to the doctors."

"Jeg drev med kanalisering og søkte kontakt med altet gjennom meditasjonen"

"Jeg hadde hørt om kundalini, men også hørt at dette kunne være farlig, så jeg tenkte ikke noe på å vekke den. Visste heller ikke noe om hva den er og hva den kan gjøre, annet enn artikkel om farer en gang som jeg tilfeldig fant inne på nettet."

Hassled by spirits

"I got stuck in Delhi helping bad souls. Lost control, went mad, while trying to work through it with the Indians. Some one got me back to England, there I felt I was an empty vessel being controlled by other people."

Kundalini and Transcendental Meditation
"When I had meditated for about ten minutes a scary silence entered my inner self. The silence was awesome, it was like entering into a black hole in outer space. My heart almost exploded and a bright light engulfed me with such power that I levitated. It was like diving into the sun."

The Safety of the Heart (TM)

"There are many Kundalini casualties similar to mine. Kundalini energy literally crippled me mentally in terms of what academic achievements and future accomplishments I may have had. Some people it has destroyed."

Recension av:
Myter och Mantra - En bok om TM och Maharishi, Rune W Dahlén

"Unika avslöjanden om Transcendental Meditation"

"För mamma startade hennes helvete på en meditationskurs och TM"

En berättelse av hennes barn

The TM and TM-Sidhi Techniques and - The TM Mantra Tables

The harmful effects from Transcendental Meditation

The Report of Germany's Institute for Youth and Society on TM

"76% of long-term meditators experience psychological disorders - including 26% nervous breakdowns
63% experience serious physical complaints
70% recorded a worsening ability to concentrate"


"Social, mental, and physical disturbances are the result of increased delicacy and helplessness, which are caused by the meditation. The secondary effects which result, described as "release of stress", can lead to severe mental illness/damage. The recommendation given by the T.M. organization in such instances, i.e. to increase the mediation to longer periods; is dangerous."

A Strange-But-True Spiritual Journey

"Spirit guides, meditation, astrology, the "higher Self," raising the kundalini, developing psychic abilities, praying to gurus, astral travel, numerology, Tarot cards, contacting the dead, hanging out with witches, Sufis, followers of Muktananda, Rajneesh, Sai Baba, Maharaji, -- all these and more were part of my journey. How did I get on this path?"


Qigong- och Tai Chi sjukan

Visste du att man kan bli sjuk av Qigong och Tai Chi?
Artikel av Marja S med Qigongens historia, undersökningar, fallbeskrivningar m.m.
 även på

Ett år med Qigongövningar

"En varningens finger till alla. Det är starka krafter man kan sätt i gång. Själv visste jag ingenting om dem."

Qi-Gong Psychotic Reaction

"The patient had begun qi-gong practices as therapy for chronic problems with kidney stones. After several days of intensive qi-gong, he began hearing voices telling him how to practice qi-gong, and to believe that he had contacted beings from another dimension. He sought help from the qi-gong masters, but to no avail. His wife brought him to see a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him with schizophreniform disorder and treated him with anti-psychotic medications. Additional information on qi-gong psychotic reaction has not been readily available. The majority of information on qi-gong itself is to be found in journals of acupuncture and homeopathic medicine."

The single case report from: Lim, Russell F., and Lin Keh-Ming. (1996) "Cultural formulation of psychiatric diagnosis: Case No. 03: Psychosis following qi-gong in a Chinese immigrant." Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 20:369-378.


DSM-IV , the standard US psychiatric diagnostic manual, now contains a diagnostic category called "Qigong-Induced Psychosis":

"qi-gong psychotic reaction A term describing an acute, time-limited episode characterized by dissociative, paranoid, or other psychotic or nonpsychotic symptoms that may occur after participation in the Chinese folk health-enhancing practice of qi-gong ("exercise of vital energy"). Especially vulnerable are individuals who become overly involved in the practice. This diagnosis is included in the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders, Second Edition (CCMD-2). "

Qigong Deviation Syndrome

"The common symptoms in mental disturbance are anxiety, nervousness, depression, etc. Seriously ill patients cannot control their own behavior. Some patients are found to have hallucination or delusion, and some even have the impulse of committing suicide."

Falun gong: Friskis & Falskis
Artikel från Sydsvenskan:
"Falun gongs grundare Li Hong-zhi hävdar att han besitter gudomliga krafter, att utomjordingar styr vetenskapsmännen på jorden och att illusionisten David Copperfield är en kraftfull magiker som verkligen kan flyga och gå genom väggar."

The Tragedy of Falun Gong Practitioners

"Liu Siying, a 12-year-old girl, soaked herself with gasoline and set herself on fire on January 23. She suffered severe burns to her face, head and hands. Doctors said all her fingers may have to be amputated, according to the latest issue of the Beijing Review."


Om yoga och yogabesläktade konstlade andliga övningar ur ett andligtvetenskapligt perspektiv

Om yogans syfte, mål, mening och risker.

Är yoga, meditation och andningsövningar ofarliga?

Nej, det är de inte visar fler och fler källor!

Är yoga en religion?

Ja, enligt den indiske forskaren och grundaren för forskningscentret ”The Kundalini Research Foundation”, Gopi Krishna.

Guru lurifax - en fejkgurus betraktelser

Se denna dokumentär om "Guru lurifax", en helt vanlig man som blev en mycket aktad och vördad guru i USA. Den handlar om hur den troende västerlänningen köper allt från öst utan urskillning.

Den mest ofarliga och verksamma yogametoden som finns

Finns det någon ofarlig yogametod? Ja det gör det!

Hatha Yoga and its dreadful effects

"There also was like a black force that was mesmerizing me. Exactly as if it was a snake, a devil. I was attracted by it and I wasn't realizing I was destroying myself."

Diksha, Deeksha eller Oneness Blessing, initiering med andningsövning

En berättelse ur livet. Det kom ett brev från en kvinna en dag. Hon har godkänt att jag får publicerar hennes berättelse här under pseudonymen ”Laila”.

Kundalini and Siddha Yoga

A story of Kundalini arousal in Siddha Yoga and the hard consequences. Kundalini energy can be very dangerous.

When the Serpent Bites

"On May 5th 1999 the energy erupted waking me up, I hadn't emitted semen for about two weeks so it was very powerful (in hindsight this was the main contributing factor) and with a great amount of energy it rocketed straight up to the brain, not traveling in the central channel, where it smashed through the block protecting the brain."

Citat från Gopi Krishnas bok "Living with Kundalini"

"I suffered unbearable torture in silence, weeping internally at the sad turn of events, blaming myself bitterly again and again for having delved into the supernatural without first acquiring a fuller knowledge of the subject and providing against the dangers and risks of the path."



Öppet brev till Deepak Chopra (engelsk)
 Dansk version

".....I have a wish that you and the other gurus and teachers would take some responsibility in what you are teaching people. Those who have been damaged by these dangerous artificial exercises have no one to turn to when they have been struck by the tremendous kundalini energy."

Citat om andlighet

"..it is not our eyes or ears, nor even our intellects, that report the world to us; but it is our own moral nature that settles at last the significance of what exists about us."

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